My happiness project

I’m currently reading Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project.  For the last little while, like with Gretchen, I’ve known that I could use a little work in the living well department.  Being generally happy most of the time, I realized there were several things I could do to grow as a person, potentially increasing my happiness as well as the happiness of those around me.  I started reading Gretchen’s book in mid August of this year (2012) and am finding it truly enlightening.  On this page and in my blog I will try to keep an up-to-date report on my progress, sharing my goals and milestones and insights as I move onward into a more happy being. I’m not sure you’ll get anything out of it but regardless it will help me keep tabs on my own progress and if you do get something out of it, that would be wonderful too.

My code and guide to living well

  1. Lighten up
  2. Exercise and eat well
  3. Be proud
  4. Love *&* respect the ones I’m with
  5. Be patient
  6. Compromise *&* be fair to me (strive for balance)
  7. Make the time
  8. Spend less money
  9. Discuss it, do not bottle it
  10. Follow the schedule (just do it now)


4 responses to “My happiness project”

  1. Garry Avatar

    I am in the midst of composing an email to you. Why you did not tell me (and the world) about your musical interests or this site is a source of amusement and bewilderment. My advice? Don’t shine your light under a basket. Make it easier for people to know you and to appreciate your talents (both on-line and in person).

    1. tmaciag Avatar

      Thanks Garry. Sorry for not telling you about my music/photo/life stuff. Sometimes, ok, all the time, time at work is a crazy marathon of just trying to get through it alive 😉 I’ll send a response via email over the next couple days

  2. Duane Avatar

    “You’re an enigma, wrapped in a riddle, surrounded by mystery”

    1. tmaciag Avatar

      Oh you know it Duane! 🙂

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